Tweet Like a Pro | Social Media | Infinite Reach Agency

Are You Tweeting Yet? Tips to Tweet Like a Pro

Tweet Like a Pro | Social Media | Infinite Reach AgencySo you want to Tweet. That little blue bird can be so confusing.  We’re unsure what to do, how to Tweet, who to follow. There’s an entire new vocabulary to learn in order to send a message of only 140 characters out to the electronic masses.  We’ve done a bit of research, and these are a few of the most helpful tips for becoming an expert Tweeter.

Six of Our Best Tips to Tweet

  1. Have a Plan – A content marketing plan is key to social media marketing. Have a plan designed to communicate your brand, events, and marketing information in a consistent manner. has a pretty good article on integrating Twitter into your marketing plan. Focus on building your brand, incorporating your identity into every Tweet you tweet.
  2. #Hashtags – Make sure they are relevant to your tweet. Use them sparingly. Media Bistro recommends limiting your hashtags to 2 per tweet. It makes reading cumbersome to have to wade through 5 or 6 hashtags in a tweet! Your followers will appreciate limited #Hashtags!
  3. Know Your Audience –  If you don’t know your audience, you don’t know what is relevant to them! Learn how your products and services can improve their lives – learn how you can give value to your customers.
  4. Consistency – Keep your message consistent. If you’re all over the place, you’ll confuse your followers.  Remember, Twitter is a conversation between you and your followers. If you make a left turn when they are expecting you to continue along the same road, you might just lose them!
  5. Keep it Simple – You only get 140 characters to convey your message. Keep it simple and easy to read. Read up on Twitter short hand – you can find a nice little Twitter Dictionary that will get you up to speed on Twerminology and allow you to abbreviate and still be understood!
  6. Share the Twitter Love – The Twitterverse is not a solitary place. It’s a worldwide network of conversations. Take some time to thank you followers, engage in discussions, and promote or endorse other businesses you know and like. Practice good Twitter Karma and it’ll come back to you a hundred times over!

The Long & the Short of It

Twitter is a valuable resource to help you market your business, build a brand, and engage potential customers. Treat it with the same care you would the rest of your marketing plan. Need help with your Social Media Marketing plan? Contact us for a consultation!